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The Cloud qualified electron signature (CQES) displaces the familiar qualified electronic signature on a smart card to a remote server platform, but retains the legal power of the qualified electronic signature, which is equivalent to a handwritten signature. These signatures enable more services to be provided through electronic channels, easy and secure user identification, digitalization of administrative processes and elimination of traditional paper document flow.

Cloud qualified electron signature B-Trust issuance is free of charge for users, only usage shall be paid. Order CQES issuance as follows through B-Trust Mobile App. 

The Cloud qualified electron signature can be used from any mobile device with iOS (version 11.0 or higher) and Android operating system (version 5.1 or higher) with Internet access through B-Trust Mobile and My B-Trust portal for signing through a personal computer.

Download B-Trust Mobile from:




Package Number of signings/identifications Validity  Price, VAT included
Free of charge 3 1 year with active client profile
Economical 7 1 month  6.30 BGN
Practical 100 1 year 62.40 BGN
Unlimited Unlimited 1 month 10.80 BGN
Unlimited Plus Unlimited 1 year 115.20 BGN


  • Issuing qualified certificate for Personal cloud electronic signature with validity 3 years;
  • 3 (three) signings/identifications of your own documents or sent by a third party per year when having an active user profile;
  • Unlimited number of signings/identifications of integrated relying parties, if signing/identification is executed at their expense;
  • Unlimited and full access to the My.B-Trust.bg client portal for signing documents;
  • Using the full functionalities of the B-Trust Mobile application;
  • Adding a Time Stamp to your own signed documents or sent by a third party when required;
  • Signing any file formats and/or documents (*.doc, *.pdf, *.xls, etc.);
  • Choice of format, level and signature type when signing your own documents by electronic signatures, pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 – eIDAS;
  • Secure archive of all signed documents (own or sent by a third party) for a period of 10 years when having an active user profile;
  • History of usage of the Qualified electronic signature certificate for a period of 10 years when having an active user profile.


  • Includes everything from the "Free of charge" package;
  • 7 (seven) signings/identifications of your own documents or sent by a third party within 1 month.


  • Includes everything from the "Free of charge" package;
  • 100 (one hundred) signings/identifications of your own documents or sent by a third party within 1 year.


  • Includes everything from the "Free of charge" package;
  • Unlimited signings/identifications of your own documents or sent by a third party within 1 month.


  • Includes everything from the "Free of charge" package;
  • Unlimited signings/identifications of your own documents or sent by a third party within 1 year.

Cloud qualified electronic signature enables more services to be provided through electronic channels, easy and secure user identification, digitization of administrative processes, removal of traditional paper document flow.

BENEFITS for users:
  • Convenience – requires only a two-factor authentication mechanism and Internet connection on any device (PC), does not require a special (hardware) token;
  • Easy access and wide usage without restrictions – users have access from different devices with internet connection (tablets, mobile phones ...), without restrictions imposed by browsers and active components;
  • High level of security – the two-factor authentication scheme removes the risk of e-signature left in the PC and revealing the PIN;
  • Price effectiveness – does not require the purchase of additional hardware components such as smart card, reader and card drivers (Middleware) in the QES set;
  • Cost effectiveness – different packages from which the user can choose according to their needs;
  • No installation of specific client software and software support;
  • Centralized storage and key management – easier and quicker key pair generation process, more convenient and easy storage, easier and quicker renewal process. No need for storing and carrying an extra device (smart card);
  • Management capability – the user can manage their certificates through the mobile device at any time;
  • Immediate suspension/ termination of the usage of the cloud QES if required;
  • History and archive of usage – a history of all signings and archive of the signed documents.
BENEFITS for the organizations providing electronic services:
  • Wide range of more accessible e-services;
  • Reliable user authentication;
  • High level of security – the two-factor authentication scheme upon each signing ensures high security and reliability;
  • Outsourcing of the specific technological processes upon signing and verification of a legally valid signature – development and maintenance of different signature applets, depending on the type of smart card and readers;
  • Easy integration to added services, improving the quality and functionality of QES, i.e. the Relying party can carry out its "workflow" by electronic documents;
  • Independence from operating systems, browsers, development and maintenance of active components (drivers) for readers and cards;
  • Immediate suspension of the use of cloud QES upon termination;
  • Easy integration with Value Added Services that improve the quality and usage of the legally-binding electronic signature:
    - using qualified electronic timestamps;
    - online verification service for status of electronic signature certificate (OCSP);
    - services for creating electronically signed document formats  (XAdES, PAdES, CAdES, ASiC) to Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and the EC (eIDAS);
    - validation service according to the Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and the EC (eIDAS).

Contact us


41 Tsar Boris III Blvd.
1612 Sofia
e-mail: office

Lost or stolen signature

In case of lost or stolen signature – for temporarily suspension of 48 hours, call

0700 199 10 or *9910

In order to terminate your electronic signature, visit one of our offices.


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